IECON 2024 SYPA Awardees
Naser Souri
Title: Accurate Current Sharing in a DC Microgrid Using Modified Droop Control Algorithm
Chinmaya K A
Title: A Novel Compact Dual Output Multi-Level Inverter
Abdelkader Messlem
Title: Meta Reinforcement Learning for Optimal Control of Battery Energy Storage Systems in DERs
Ajit Kumar Upadhiya
Title: A Novel 5-Level 2x-Boost Switched Capacitor Based Inverter with Common-Ground Feature
Pingyang Sun
Title: DC-link Thyristor-based Protection for HB-MMC HVDC Systems under Valve-side Single-phase-to-ground Faults
Chang Liu
Title: Hybrid Modulation of Frequency and Phase Minimizing Switching Loss for LC Resonant Converter
Thomas P. Rajan
Title: An Inductive Loop Detector for Personal Transporters in Urban Cycle Lanes
Pranay Jhunjhunwala
Title: Proposing Bus Adapter Connections in IEC 61499
Dinusha Gunathilaka
Title: The Agoraphilic* Algorithm: The enhanced Agoraphilic Algorithm for Uneven Terrain Env. Robot Navigation
Ahmed Djamel Ayad
Title: Investigation of Power Losses and Possible Solutions for Frequency Control in Multiphase Interleaved DCDC Boost Converters
Aakash Singh
Title: Modeling and Control of Three-Level TNPC PFC Rectifier for lower THD
Luis Ignacio Martinez Caballero
Title: Soft-Start Method for Boost Converter Under Rapid Irradiance Changes
Gabriel Salvatti
Title: Droop Control with DC-Link Feedforward Strategy for Multifunctional DC Fast Charging Stations
Rehaan Hussain
Title: Induction Motor Multi-Incipient Fault Detection based on Gradient Boosting Algorithms
Dwijasish Das
Title: EMT Modelling and Control of a 20-MW DC Wind Power Generator Integrated with an Electrolyzer
Ignacio Acosta
Title: DNN-based Long Prediction Horizon Finite Control Set MPC with Switching Effort Penalization
Reinier Lopez Ahuar
Title: Linear Quadratic Tracker in Multi-agent System
Shuangchun Xie
Title: A New Low-Coupling Permanent Magnet Vernier Machine with High Power Factor and Wide Constant Power Operation Range
Rony Ibrahim
Title: Rotor Fault Diagnosis of Large Hydrogenerators Using Vibration Data and VAE-Desirability Function
Rakiba Rayhana
Title: Digital Twin for Industrial Asset Management: A Case Study for Pipeline Maintenance
Abdullah Berkay Bayindir
Title: Grid Voltage Sensorless Model Predictive Control for Single-phase Five-level ANPC-FC Rectifier
Solihah Sharief Shiekh
Title: Emulation of an Induction Machine with Inclined Eccentricity Fault
Taichi Nakano
Title: Active Control of Pyrofuse in Circuit Breaker with State Estimation of Current-Limiting Fuse José Luis
Conradi Hoffmann
Title: Enhancing RSS to be Fault Tolerant During Overtaking Maneuvers
Uddhav Surve
Title: Reconfigurable Dual Active Bridge Converter for Wide Voltage Range EV Charging Applications
Avanish Pandey
Title: Precise Modeling Approach of Litz-Wire based Planar Rectangular Spiral Coils with Ferrite Core and Lateral Misalignment for WPT Applications
Bowei Zou
Title: A Double-Side Self-Tuning IPT Converter Immune to Parameters Variation Under Misalignment Condition
Akash Samanta
Title: Real-time CAN Data Acquisition and Visualization: Synerging Physical-to-Virtual (P2V) Twinning of Automotive Battery Management Systems
Shayak Chaudhuri
Title: Modelling and Torque Estimation of an Inverse Connected Cascaded WRIM in Rotor Reference Frame Operated with a Constant V/f Ratio
Rinith Reghunath
Title: A Real-time Monitoring Architecture for Enhanced Cybersecurity in the EV Ecosystem
Anindita Golder
Title: Techno-Economic Considerations for Optimal Sizing of Isolated Hydrogen-Battery-Solar Powered Microgrids
Hoang Le
Title: A Comprehensive Study of Sequential Model Predictive Control Methods for Multilevel Inverters
Songah Shin
Title: Optimized sequence control of a fuse-semiconductor hybrid circuit breaker through real-time fuse state estimation
Abhishek Shukla
Title: Impact of Flux Barriers Shape on the Performance of Reduced Rare-Earth Multilayer Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor
Subhadip Chakraborty
Title: A Novel Four-Wire Offgrid DFIG-BES Wind Microgrid for Remote Areas With Neutral Current Compensation For Reduced Transformer Failure
Paulo Henrique Alves da Silva e Silva
Title: A Method for SiC-Mosfet Junction Temperature Estimation in Traction Inverters
Mohamed Safrullah Mohomed
Title: Nocturne - A Real-Time Driving Assistant at Night for Sri Lanka
Pandula Pallewatta
Title: BellCrop - A Bell Pepper Leaf Dataset for Disease Classification and Yield Enhancement using ML
Juan Jose Porras
Title: Efficiency analysis of charging profiles in electric vehicle fast charging stations
Azadeh Kermansaravi
Title: Reinforcement Learning Based Control of Grid-Connected PUC5 Inverter
Mykola Lukianov
Title: Multi Active Bridge converter with DPS modulation for bidirectional EV charging from DC traction grid
Mohamadamin Rajabinezhad
Title: Distributed Resilient Control of DC Microgrids Under Unbounded FDI Attacks and Communication Link Faults Considering Balance of Charge State
Leonardo Antonio Brum Viera
Title: Thermal and Efficiency Analysis of High-Power Traction Inverters: Methodology and Case Studies
Alvin Huynh
Title: Temporal Sensitivity Analysis for Enhanced Dynamic Equivalent Circuit Modeling of Lithium-ion Batteries in Onboard Battery Management Systems
Sai Sushma Pasupuleti
Title: Adaptive Pulse Power Converter using MagAmp for Bio-Medical Applications
The Student & Young Professionals (S&YP) Activity Committee of the Industrial Electronics Society (IES) is continuously implementing a paper assistance program (IES-SYPA) – competition-based financial support for the IES S&YP members to attend IES Majority Sponsored Conferences. For the IECON’2024 we allocated 45 SYPA’s up to 1500 USD each, which can be used to cover the transportation costs to the venue city and back using the most economical means of transportation, participation fee, and accommodation in a hotel not higher than 3-star-class.
Moreover, during the conference, we will organize a SYP forum – a special event aimed at helping students and young professional members stay connected in the IES community. SYP forum will provide a unique opportunity to ask questions and get professional advice directly from IEEE Fellows, the IES President, AdCom members, and experienced colleagues. The program of a SYP forum will include a series of keynote speeches by the leaders of academia and industry, a 3M video session, and an open discussion between the participants. We encourage all conference participants to join!
How to Apply for IES-SYPA
You MUST be an IEEE member. Whether Student, Graduate Student or Young Professional (YP). You are considered YP up to 15 years after your graduation.
You MUST be a member of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society.
You MUST have a paper accepted at the conference as an author or co-author and be the person to present it at the conference.
You MUST reside outside the city in which the conference is held.
Your paper should be fully registered.
You SHOULD NOT have received the SYPA in the last 2 years.
In the submission system, if you toggle the correct membership (Student or YP), the “IEEE-IES SYPA” tab will appear once the paper is accepted. Click on that and submit the required information/document/video.
You MUST prepare a video and send it according to the following rules:
The length MUST be 3 minutes. Even 1 second more or less is not tolerated.
Avoid using PowerPoint slides for the majority of the video. Only up to 30% of the video (1min) can be from the presentation slides. Be creative and generate interactive content! Watch more videos to get ideas.
Some seconds MUST be devoted to the paper information such as title, authors, affiliations, your university, company, research team, etc.
At least the last 5 seconds MUST contain the Acknowledgment to IEEE IES for the IES-SYPA.
The video MUST be shared through sharing websites like Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, etc. Make sure to provide the link without requiring permission (MUST be viewable to anyone who has the link)
Once your paper is accepted, the IEEE-IES SYPA tab will appear, and you can apply for it as:
Ensure you have turned on the required membership options in your profile at the top-right corner of the submission system. You should be an IEEE and IES member and also a Student or Young Professional.
For any questions regarding the SYPA application submission issues, please contact the conference support team directly at conferences@ieee-ies.org
Review Process
The committee members will review videos in two rounds. All applicants will be given one chance to update their videos according to the 1st-round comments. Then, the final video will be reviewed in 2nd-round and receive an average score based on its impact, creativity, style, presentation, video quality, etc. The ones with the highest scores from both paper and video reviewers will be selected as the winners of the IES-SYPA. They will receive financial support for travel expenses and a diploma during the Gala dinner.
The winners’ videos will be uploaded on the IES YouTube Channel, and you will receive an email including the link to your video on the IES YouTube Channel. You should copy that link to the IES Facebook Event page of the conference and wait for the thumbnail to appear, then post it!
Moreover, you should similarly post the link of your video to the IEEE Collabratec. You are also allowed to share it on any other websites. The direct link to the Facebook event page and IEEE Collabratec Group will be sent in the same email and will be available on the conference website.
​​To Receive the Travel Assistance
You MUST be on the list of final SYPA recipients.
You MUST attend the conference and give a 3-minute speech during the 3-Min Video Session.
DO NOT FORGET to bring your video file to the 3M Video Session. The videos will be displayed on a large screen, and you will talk to the audience for 3 minutes. So, your speech should be very brief and informative.
All information (including the place, date, and time) for the 3M Video Session and the ceremony to receive the Diplomas will be announced by the first day of the conference.
The fund can cover your expenses, including conference registration, transportation, and accommodation. So, keep your receipts and use the Concur platform to submit the expenses and other required information. All instructions can be found on the SYPA page of the conference.
It should be noted that if many applicants have obtained a high score, the committee can reduce the travel assistance amount to 1000 USD per applicant. This exceptional measure is to support the travel of a higher number of excellent applicants.
Some tips to prepare your video
The 3M video session aims to help researchers/engineers (students and young professionals) learn how to advertise their projects to the public and promote the authors. Whether your work is theoretical or by simulations, you are expected to prepare the movie as interactive, live, and interesting for the viewers. Record some minutes from running results in the software during simulation or practical tests.
Record some videos from your hardware design or even software results (e.g., the screen of your computer) while they are running. Or add some discussion with co-authors, research team, etc. At least 70% of your video should include interactive parts rather than solid slides.
It is recommended that you present the work with your own voice during the video recording. Please present it in a different way than a PowerPoint presentation. Your video will be placed on the IES YouTube Channel and should attract viewers.
Showing some information on the video using simple texts as subtitles is also recommended. Note that the voice is helpful for YouTube viewers; however, during the conference, it will be replaced by your 3M speech. The video may be displayed without sound during the S&YP 3-Min Video Session.
Sometimes, background music could make your video much more enjoyable.
The audience already saw your paper presentations, so be different in your videos.
Try to make people interested in your videos. Devote some seconds of the video to your office, lab, or any place you work in and show the stuff you use for that project, introduce co-authors and supervisors, explain motivation, etc.
The 3M video does not need to show the details of your work. Some concepts are enough to attract people’s attention. Deep theoretic and mathematics are useless for advertising your project to people with different interests.
Note that the video should be impressive and interactive. Static pictures interest only some. Find gifs or flash images from the Internet.
Ensure you have the copyright for materials used in your video, including animations, songs, photos, etc.
Take a look at other videos posted by young researchers (young professionals and students) for the IES-SYPA,

IES SYPA Application submission deadline: 11/08/2024, 22:00 GMT-4.
1st-round general comments on the videos will be sent by: 18/08/2024
Submission of the final 3-minute video: 25/08/2024, 22:00 GMT-4
Announcement of winners: 10/09/2024