Panel Sessions
Panel Session 1: Thermal Energy Storage for Space Heating and Cooling In Smart Grid Applications
Panel Session 2: 6G Secure and Resilient Wireless Communication for Industry 5.0
Panel Session 3: Inverter dominated grids for the future: How to solve emerging challenges using AI/ML and advanced computing?
Panel Session 4: Revisit Power Systems Stability with Inverter-Based Resources (IBR)
Panel Session 5: Recent Advances in Optimization and Control for Resilient Operations in Power Grids
Panel Session 6: Artificial Intelligence in Utilities, Pitfalls and Successes
Panel Session 7: Resilience Enhancement for a Highly Decarbonized Power Grid
Panel Session 8: Empowering Energy Storage: Collaborative Strategies for Industry Acceptance and Deployment
Panel Session 9: Using AI/ML for extracting business insights from big data in energy systems
Panel Session 10: High-Fidelity Modeling and Dynamic Stability: Tools for IBR-dominated Power Grids
Panel Session 11: Cybersecurity for Smart Grid and Electric Vehicle Charging
Panel Session 12: Energy Storage Power Electronics
Panel Session 13: Quantum Technologies for Power Grids
Panel Session 14: Electromagnetic transients (EMT) simulation for the inverter-dominated grid
Panel Session 15: Coordinated Storage Networks as Grid Assets: Control Challenges and Opportunities
Panel Session 16: The European Union Cyber Resilience Act (EU CRA) – Cyber Security by Law for Industrial Electronics
Panel Session 17: Future of EV Charging: Cutting-edge Plugged and Wireless Power Transfer Technologies, Challenges and Opportunities
Panel Session 18: Overview of Smart Grids and Their Cyber-physical Security
Panel Session 19: Networked microgrids: control and optimization, hardware demonstration, and protection
Panel Session 20: An Overview of Microgrid Deployment, Integration and Testing Practices: Challenges and Advancements
Panel Session 21: Overview of U.S. supply chain dynamics and policy drivers for lithium-ion batteries
Panel Session 22: Accelerating Energy Storage Integration Through Innovative Solutions
Panel Session 23: The future of integrating Solar, Batteries and EV Charging
Panel Session 24: The role of real-time, multi-fidelity, and hardware-in-the-loop simulations for accelerating renewable energy integration