Martin Rostan
Executive Director,
EtherCAT Technology Group, Germany
Biography: Martin Rostan has earned a reputation as a lively and engaging speaker. He has dedicated his professional life to industrial communication technologies. Martin studied aerospace engineering in Stuttgart (Germany) and Southampton (United Kingdom). Since its foundation in 2003, he oversees the EtherCAT Technology Group and has made a decisive contribution to the worldwide acceptance of this market-leading Industrial Ethernet technology. Before that, CANopen was the focus of his work: he coordinated the research project in which the original CANopen specifications were created and chairs the CANopen Interest Group in the 'CAN in Automation' association. Martin has been with Beckhoff Automation since 1998 and has helped grow the company from 30 million at the time to over 1.8 billion USD now. Meanwhile, he is the Senior VP Technology Marketing. EtherCAT technology also led him into international standardization: he is a technical expert on the relevant committees at IEC, ISO and SEMI. In addition, he contributes to the dissemination of fieldbus and Ethernet technologies with technical papers at congresses, conferences, in journals, and textbooks.
The bus technology does not matter. Really??
Abstract: Communication is often underrated but is a key element in almost every discipline of industrial electronics. Industrial control systems including sensors and actuators, mechatronics and robotics, electrical machines and drives as well as power electronics require reliable, real-time capable, cost-effective, and open communication solutions, as do systems for energy distribution and renewable energy. EtherCAT is used in all these disciplines - and far beyond. The workshop provides an overview of this internationally standardized industrial Ethernet technology and shows why communication technology plays a decisive role in the efficiency, costs, and performance of almost any system. EtherCAT is considered to be particularly high-performance and very easy to implement: the workshop shows why and how this works