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Call For Panel Sessions
Panel Sessions: We are excited to announce the Call for Panel Proposals for IECON 2024. As one of the most prestigious gatherings in the field, we invite experts and thought leaders to participate by proposing engaging and insightful panel discussions that address cutting-edge topics in industry and academia.
Panel session format: Different session formats are solicited such as:
1. Formal presentations,
2. Informal talks with or without slides,
3. Full Q&A panel,
4. Debate,
5. Other creative or hybrid styles.
Requirements for Panelists and Moderators:
1. All panelists and moderators should register for the conference and attend the conference in person.
2. Promotional or commercial discussions are not allowed without permission from conference organizers.
3. Free to use your own slide presentation template including the 50th IEEE IECON logo in all your slides.
4. Provide written panel logistics, speaker order, and discussion flow in your submission. The date and time for your panel will be determined by the organizing committee.
Panel Proposal Evaluation Criteria:
• Originality and innovation.
• Significant industry involvement.
• Industrial application-oriented.
• Collaborative cross-disciplinary topics or teams.
• Creativity, clarity, and quality of the panel proposal.
• Follow the conference technical scopes.
Important Dates
Panel Proposal due:
31 July, 2024 (Extended Deadline)
Acceptance Notification:
15 August, 2024
Panel Sessions Proposal Submission
Submission Deadline: Please submit all related materials via email to the address no later than 31 July 2024, with potential revisions requested before the conference.
Submission Guidelines: Panel proposals should include the following (as mentioned in the MS word template):
1. Title of the Proposal.
2. Technical Description (Up to 350 words).
3. Panelists’ Information: Name, affiliations, contact information and short biographies (150 words max. per panelist).
4. Moderator.
5. Duration: 75-minutes panel discussion followed by 15 minutes for Q&A.
6. Any other Relevant Information.
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